Tipping Point.

🎁 Graciousness & Tradition🎁

The days are shorter, the twinkle of lights illuminate cheery trim as the year wanes. The cold crisp mornings are warmed by fluffy layers, deliciously sweet, decorated cookies abound and we hum familiar choruses of holiday carols. ’Tis the season for giving as we reflect on our good tidings we’ve received all year and give back to those who have added to our lives. “Gratuity” evolves from the latin word “gratuitas, free, freely given”, a customary expectation as we tip with travel, at restaurants, and salons. Tipping is also richly wrapped with the holiday tradition of showing gratitude to those who regularly provide you with goods and expert services.


While end-of-year extras are expected in some professions, tipping isn’t about a sense of obligation. It’s about acknowledgement. “It shows those who provide you loyal service that you appreciate their efforts.” “Tipping is a form of gratitude shown during the holidays,” says Diane Gottsman, national etiquette expert, author of “Modern Etiquette for a Better Life”. A Consumer Reports survey declares 60% of Americans tip service providers during the holidays.

The Emily Post Institute essentially suggests “To simplify the process, just consider tipping service providers in key areas of your personal life,” says Daniel Post the grandson of the Maven of Etiquette, Emily Post. An easy consideration for the amount of gratuity suggested is; ‘up to the amount of one week’s pay or cost of service.’ Modifications may occur if tips are provided throughout the year for stellar service. Undoubtedly, each and every gift or gratuity adds sparkle to the holidays.

The sweet warm recognition of others, those adding ease and expertise to our lives, is the sharing spirit!
