Bio Conscious
/Today as we strive for awareness concerning our individual and families’ impact on the planet, our choices like recycling and the purchase of sustainable products influence positive change. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “be the change you wish to see in the world". The integration of this concept is applicable to the selection of a cleaning company as well. A bio-conscious approach as a business is the consistent awareness, evolving integration and practice to decrease the environmental foot print by:
- The reduction of single use items such as paper towels.
- Repurpose items for additional use like linens.
- Limiting exposure to chemicals; employees, clients and environment.
- Incorporating alternative energy resources and utilize eco friendly vehicles.
- Reviewing scientific literature to improve over all outcomes and safety such as cross contamination prevention.
Bio-conscious businesses are inherently progressive in their approach to incrementally modify, adapt and integrate eco-friendly measures. Quality control measures are paramount in bio-conscious cleaning businesses, unlike green washing, “an effective marketing method by thousands of companies overreaching numerous industries, (including some in the green clean movement), which utilizes disinformation to present an environmentally responsible image. The bio-conscious business also participates in their community, donating their services and supporting local initiatives.
Frequently, green or eco-friendly products or solutions are touted as safe or non-toxic cleaning agents without regard to their effectiveness in removal of all residues on surfaces. The use of resources such as the EPA’s Safer Choices program products recommendation list ensure appropriate eco-friendly products. http:\\ Independent research of products furthers debunking of false advertising claims, myths and greenwashing of products. Researcher Dr. Annie Pryor PHD is one independent source who completes such scientific experiments about cleaning practices and products. Regular review of research has the power to improve cleaning practice and safety. For an individual homeowner to remain current on the latest changes to scientific information on the efficacy of cleaning products is cumbersome and a lack luster use of personal time. A bio-conscious residential service has a vested interest in educating their staff in safe practices to better serve their clients and protect their employees from harmful exposure. Hence, a bio-conscious cleaning company would supply their cleaning products that they have researched, understand and trust. An example of a cleaning business that resonates with the bio-conscious ideology and concepts is Castle Keepers. https:\\
In addition to a bio conscious approach, a professional residential service would have the appropriate insurances to cover the cost of repairs or damages that may occur, much like the insurance you carry for your home. The cleaning business also maintains workers compensation, healthcare benefits, a living wage and paid time off for their employees. These insurances influence a manageable career within the housekeeping industry. After all, employee retention is fundamental to an educated, sensitive staff able to provide reproducible results via a quality control verified and systems approach to making your environment the best!.